Monday, February 15, 2010

Error in Patient Care and Clinical Practice drug allergy

Medical Error Agenda

-Understanding error in industry and healthcare
-Types and sources of human error
-Decreasing the potential for error
-How information systems can help
-Can information systems be harmful?

Previous Work in Error from Industry

-Industrial, nuclear, airline, NASA accidents
-Bad outcomes occur through interaction of human, system and organizational errors (unpredictable)
-Tightly-coupled vs. loosely-coupled systems
-Importance of problem-reporting and experience
-Progressive improvement through sustained effort
99% error-free is not adequate (current industrial goal is 3 errors per 1 million actions, 99.9997%)
-Financial incentives are important in reducing error
-Impressive success over 30 years


Unknown | November 23, 2010 at 9:31 PM  


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